Option 1 Burnley Joe: WSOP 2006
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Burnley Joe

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

WSOP 2006

Well i think its time for a brief description of what we got up to.


Arrived about one in the afternoon and fenners showed me the sights which consisted of a bar that sold beer in massive three litre jars! We then went for a couple of games in the Ballagio and both ended up losing.

Later that evening sussed out that if you play the slots beer is one dollar so we drank about 10 beers and lost a couple of hundred dollars and were in to bed by about 11.

Although, when we got to the room it was a kingsize bed, but only one! Straight on the blower stating that we were straight and beleived in Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, don`t think they knew what i was on about so we then got a single camp bed in the room, which I wanted, not far to fall!


Sat by the pool for about 15 mins, too hot! So went and had a few one dollar beers.

Much about the same that day, lost more money on the slots and got drunk.


Met up with Paul R, Pen, Katia, Moface and Ronnay, they all went for a meal and a trip at the Venetian, me and Fenners went to the Golden Arches, we should know all the staff in McDonalds by the end of the week!

Met up later and had some more beers, got to bed about 3ish, big day tmrw


Day of reckoning, played well most of theday and then bad news as fenners went out. At one stage up to about 47000, but twice trips got busted ended the day at 3am, but got through. Went back to the Hotel and had a meal and then bumped in to Fenners in the poker room. Went to bed, Fenners came back about 09.30 wrecked.


Same again, met up with the gang and Gaz. Ended up playing pool until about 5am but had a serious session. Tried to go to a lapdance club but Paul had no ID, as if he needs it! LOL


Last Day with paul, Pen and Katia, had a few beers, but we all seemed to do okay at blackjack. had a few beers, said goodbyes and went to bed about 2am


Started playing about 12ish, did okay first two hours until the break, I did not want to stop. About half hour afterwards, pocket twos. guy raises, so I call, flop 2 6 8, guy bets 4000, i raise all in, he calls A 8 spades, i`m buzzing, thinking i`ve doubled up and can relax for an hour or so. next two cards, can`t even remember them i was that gobbsmacked, runner runner spades. Out of the WSOP! Arse

Proceed back to the hotel, feel like crying, go for a couple of beers with fenners, back to the room early both knackered and for once don`t want a cheap beer


Flight home, and so glad, mi sidneys are killing me and i have not shaved for a week! I said that i would shave when i got knocked out, so to be clever did not take any razors, big mistake when its in the 100s eveyday!



Just want to say a big thanks to Fenners, Paul, Pen & Katia for making it a top week.

Also a big thanks for all the support when we were away, it did really help.

Well until next year, cheers.

Vegas 2006


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