Option 1 Burnley Joe: Friday Night Poker
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Burnley Joe

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday Night Poker

Well got off to a bad start in the league game through Raise The River Forum, got down to last 8 and dealt QQ, BurnleyMik raises to 600 i call and next person calls all in for 4000, Mik calls, i have no choice, as i only have about 2000, i call.

BurnleyMik has JJ
Other Player KK

And that was that game, a few points i suppose but sickening!

Played a few 180 sit and goes, absolutly shocked at the standard of the play to be honest. I have to play 10 over a month and dont think i have made the top 100 in any of them, Oh tell a lie, i finished 76th or something, honestly, getting called when i pushed with JJ and called with J2 and he hits a full house and i hit trips! Sums it up, Oh well only 5 to gothank feck!

Played a couple of torneys on Litlewoods last night and cashed in both for about £60!!!!!

Gonna play a couple tonight as i think this will be it until after xmas, although wonna play Sunday Night, but we will see.

Oh yeah, had £78 in Paradise, so played the $1/$2 on Wednesday, cant remember any specific hand, but i now have £300. Played for 3 hours and only played the absoulte mimimum hands and still i kept getting callers, i love that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. yeah i remember that JJ vs QQ vs KK hand... I shouldn't have been there really. Once he shoves over the top and you are also in the hand, i should have known JJ wasn't going to cut it!! lol.

I know what you mean about the $4 games on Stars, real crazy donkaments, still haven't worked out a strategy for tackling them yet!

Anyway hope you had a good xmas and will see you at the tables in 2008!



9:35 AM  

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