Last Week In Prague
Ok, i arrived in Prague on Monday afternoon and after a kip decided to see what the casion would be like for the weeks events. Well after being ripped of in a cab and finally after walking around for an hour i register at the casion and return to my hotel where i then notice there is no internet access and i have forgotten my charger for the phone! So i decide to sit at the so called bar and get drunk very cheaply.
Ok we meet up the next afternoon, there is me, Morlspin, SpurmanDan (who qualified for all three events), Rosco and his missis Aimee and Gaz, Morls mate. So we then go for some food, but not hungry so settle for a large beer. Anyway on to the casino. We then meet up with Jon (swampster, Editor of Flush Magazine and shareholder in me LOL) and his wife Amy. It starts of a bit of a downer cos Aimee has not got a seat and it is sold out. Anyway, the beers free all nite so on to the Poker. Its a 100 Euros buy in with 54 Runners and quite a few sit outs! Anyway after about three solid hours i`m playing reasonable and there are about 23 left. I only have a stack of about 11K from a starting stack of 5K. Been drinking solidly thought, so happy with that! Anway cant remember all the hands etc, just that theres three tables left and i deceide to push after Morls raises 3 x BB to about 2.4K, i think i pushed with something like 9K with 77 and one more caller who flips over QQ and that was that torney. I think Jon went out 1st, then Rosco and then me in 21st, anway Dan goes next in 20th and then Morls follows in 19th. Anyway, it was not all bad, Jons wife Amy managed to cash in 6th place so bit congrats to her as she played really well. We then proceed to get drunk er
There was also a €30 PL STT while we waited for Amy to finish, where Aimee was 3rd, with Dan (SpurMan) taking down the victory with a J 5 straight made on the turn against me but i still won 1900 Kroner, which is about £60.
Next day meet up at the casino at about 5.30 for a 6pm start, same again 54 runners but the buy in is 250 euros. Very similar to the day before, played very steady and tight and always ahead of my starting stack of 7500. Anway made it to the last two tables, but not for very long, i think the blinds were about 1000/2000, anway decided to make a stand and pushed all in pre flop with AK and one caller with QQ, and again done by the queens and im gone, i think Morls made 10th place and Rosco 9th, but again no cashers! Starting to get paranoid
Anyway, few beer and hit the roulette table and low and behold, i can do no wrong (which is unusual), i end up winning about 7000 kroner which is about £200, so i have my buy in back again, so pretty happy!
Wednesday day off, but we all go for a few beers and then back to the Casion as Dan is playing in a $25K freeroll and we get there and hes on the final table, so its fingers crossed and loads more free beers. Anway i think we jinxed him as he got knocked out very unluckily once we arrive with AK v AQ, and hes out in 7th and it only pays top 6. That sucks! Anyway me and Morls hit the town and end up in Kayotes Bar, which is excellent and highly recommended
Day 4 and its the main event with a buy in of 550 euros and im rough as shite! We again start at 6pm with 54 runners and i decide not to drink, anyway im up and down like a tarts knickers, anyway i lose about 3000 when my JJ is done by a King on the river, so enough is enough and i hit the beers. Anyway is seems to work and after an hour or so im back above my starting stack of 10000. Anyway we make the final two tables and there is me and Dan left on seperate tables thankfully. Anyway the beers are kicking in and the few significant hands i remember are when the blinds are 1000/2000 and i flat call in position two with AA, somebody pushes all in and i call instantly for about 11K, anyway im back up to around the 20K mark and average is 23K so feeling good, two hands later someone calls all in and i have AK, i think if im gonna win anything gotta go for it. I call all in as he has me slightly covers and he shows AQ. My hand holds up and im loving this. Anyway im in BB and SB pushed all in as everyone has folded i call with 55 for about 10K and i take out his 10 7! Cant really remember any more siginificant hands and im on the final table!
A dont play many hands but seem to be doing ok and then we are down to 4. I make a steal with 78 diamonds and then i call an all in which we both have AK for a split pot, then a few hands later i move all in with A5, get caled by AK and QQ, flop comes 5 8 A K 7, so im gone but happy. I win 85000k, which is about 2600 and i get some more cos 10000 euros were added but will be credited to my poker account, so in total im told i`ve won £3600, which gives me £900 and pays the shareholders £2700 or £27 per share, so we all win.
Later im also told that cos i finished 4th i also finished 3rd in the torney leaderboard which was for people who played all three events, which means i`ll get another $2000 placed in my online account.
So in total i reckon i have won about £5000, £4500 on the torneys and £500 with a STT and the roulette
Big thank you to the shareholders, wish it could have been more but cheers for backing me.
See you at the tables soon.
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